DEEP SPACE: "THE Search, II" - 07/19/94 - ACT FIVE 61. 74 CONTINUED: (3) BORATH (humbly) The Vorta serve the Founders, in all things. Borath and the other Vorta begin removing the devices from their prisoners. ODO (to Female Shape-shifter) Thank you. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (to Sisko and the prisoners) Next time, I promise you, we will not be so generous. Sisko and the others begin to stir as if waking from a deep sleep. SISKO (groggy) Constable? O'BRIEN What happened to the Rio Grande? DAX The last thing I remember is collapsing the wormhole. T'RUL The last thing I remember is being shot by some Jem'Hadar soldier. KIRA I'm sure it all seemed very real, but the truth is, you've been held in this room ever since the Jem'Hadar brought you here from the Defiant. Borath hands them their combadges. He hates letting them go, but has to follow his orders. SISKO Borath? (to Kira) What the hell is going on here? BORATH Your ship is in orbit. You may transport to it whenever you're ready.