DEEP SPACE: "THE Search, II" - 07/18/94 - ACT FOUR 49. 53 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (O.S.) I hope you'll still feel the same way an hour from now. 54 NEW ANGLE As Sisko and Dax ENTER the Security Office. SISKO First thing we have to do is get our hands on a runabout. DAX It's already taken care of Benjamin. The Chief is waiting for us at landing pad "C" with the Rio Grande, and a full complement of photon torpedoes. SISKO (impressed) How did you know we'd be needing photon torpedoes? DAX Because I know you. You want to make sure the Dominion stays on their side of the galaxy. The only way to do that is to collapse the entrance to the wormhole. SISKO I'm glad we're all in agreement. A silent beat. This is a big step for them to take, but there seems to be no alternative. BASHIR (lightly) Well, I guess this means the end of our Starfleet careers. GARAK I wouldn't worry about that, Doctor. DAX That's easy for you to say.