DEEP SPACE: "THE Search, II" - 07/19/94 - ACT FOUR 48. 53 CONTINUED: DAX We're here to see Commander Sisko. EDDINGTON Sorry, my orders are no one sees him. BASHIR But we're here on urgent business. EDDINGTON You'll have to talk to Admiral Necheyev. She's in charge here until the Jem'Hadar... Garak suddenly reaches out and shoves a Cardassian hypospray against Eddington's arm. Eddington slumps onto the desk. Dax and Bashir look at Garak. GARAK I'm sorry, but we are rushed for time. Neither Dax nor Bashir are about to argue the point. DAX I'll get Sisko. She heads for the holding area. GARAK (re: Eddington) Doctor, if you'd be so kind as to take his legs. Together they lift the unconscious Eddington and lie him down out of sight of the door. BASHIR If I didn't know better, I'd say you were enjoying this, Garak. GARAK Not at all Doctor. Though I admit, after years of hemming dresses, a little action does seem a welcome change of pace.