DEEP SPACE: "THE Search, II" - REV. 07/26/94 - ACT THREE 32. 37 CONTINUED: QUARK (confidentially) I have inside information that the peace agreement is about to be finalized. BASHIR And where did you get this information, from one of your "friends" on the Federation Council? QUARK If you must know, I overheard two Jem'Hadar officers. BASHIR And you believed them? QUARK I don't see why not. (dismissive) Oh, I know we got off to a rocky start but they're not so bad, really. (a beat; pleased) I think they have the gene. O'BRIEN What gene? QUARK The gambling gene. They've barely been on the station a week and already they can't drag themselves away from the dabo table. BASHIR How fortunate for you. Quark places a hand on each of their shoulders. QUARK How fortunate for all of us. You see, I have a dream. A dream that one day all people... human...