DEEP SPACE: "THE Search, II" - 07/19/94 - ACT TWO 22. 21 CONTINUED: KIRA I'm not sure I know what that means. ODO I'm not sure either. And that's... unfortunate. (a beat) Now, if you'll excuse me I have to return to my bucket. He takes his bucket and EXITS the shuttle. We hold on Kira's reaction to his plight. 22 EXT. LAKESHORE - FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER (OPTICAL) Kira stands before the lake of shape-shifters. KIRA (calling out) Hello? I need to talk to one of you... (a beat) Can anyone hear me? We hold on Kira as we hear a MORPH SOUND EFFECTS cue then -- 22A NEW ANGLE To reveal the male Shape-shifter standing behind her. MALE SHAPE-SHIFTER We hear you, Major. But please be brief. We find the humanoid shape to be... awkward. KIRA I won't keep you long. It's about Odo. He needs your help. MALE SHAPE-SHIFTER How would you have us help him? KIRA By talking to him... telling him what he needs to know. MALE SHAPE-SHIFTER In time all his questions will be answered. KIRA And when will that be?