128:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "THE Search, II" - 07/18/94 - ACT TWO 21. 20 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA Locate power source. COMPUTER VOICE Power source is located four kilometers beneath the planet's surface, coordinates one-two-seven mark three. KIRA Can you identify? COMPUTER VOICE Unable to identify due to an unknown poly-metallic substance within the surrounding rock. 21 NEW ANGLE As a somber Odo ENTERS the shuttle. ODO Any luck, Major? KIRA There's some kind of power source interfering with my signal. Any idea what it can be? ODO I haven't a clue. Kira studies Odo. His depression is palpable. KIRA Are you all right? ODO I've just spent the last two hours shape-shifting. Rocks, flowers, trees... I've been everything in that garden. KIRA And? ODO And nothing. Oh, I can become a rock all right, but I have no more of an idea what it's like to be a rock than I did before.