DEEP SPACE: "THE Search, II" - 07/18/94 - ACT ONE 11. 10 CONTINUED: (2) Odo looks to Kira who nods in agreement. Satisfied, the Female Shape-shifter gives Kira a dismissive glance and turns her attentions to Odo. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (pleasantly) Tell me, Odo, have you made good use of our arboretum? ODO (not sure what she means) In what way? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (surprised by his response) By assuming the various shapes surrounding you. ODO Why would I do that? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (as if explaining to a child) To become a thing is to know a thing. To assume its form... is to begin to understand its existence. ODO Understand it? How? A beat. The Female Shape-shifter studies Odo with sadness and sympathy.