DEEP SPACE: "THE Search, II" - 07/19/94 - ACT ONE 9. 9 CONTINUED: Kira examines the landscape with wonder, but Odo is oblivious to the loveliness surrounding him. His gaze is off in the distance as if impatiently waiting someone's arrival. KIRA (re: the garden) This is beautiful. ODO (edgy) How long do they plan on making us wait here. KIRA It's only been a few hours. Odo harumphs. ODO I finally return home and I'm still treated like an outsider. KIRA Believe me, you're not the outsider here. I am. ODO You? KIRA I'm the one they don't trust, not you. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (O.S.) How perceptive, Major. 10 NEW ANGLE Kira turns to find the Female Shape-shifter entering the garden. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER If our history has taught us anything it's to avoid contact with Solids whenever possible. KIRA Solids?