DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/13/94 - ACT FIVE 64. 60 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA I was unconscious. Kira decides to drop it. KIRA Have you found anything? Odo continues to stare at the console and nods slowly. Kira sits up a little to see what he's looking at. She reads the monitor and acts a little surprised. KIRA (off console) There's a class-M planet ahead, but no star system. A rogue planet? ODO (quiet) Yes. 61 EXT. SPACE - SHUTTLECRAFT (OPTICAL) The Shuttlecraft heads for the dark planet. (NOTE: there's no star present to shine light on the surface.) CUT TO: 62 EXT. CLEARING - NIGHT A strange and beautiful alien setting. The Shuttlecraft has landed in a small clearing on the edge of what seems to be a forest.