DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/13/94 - ACT FIVE 63. 60 CONTINUED: ODO You're in a Shuttlecraft, and you've been wounded so try not to move around. Kira touches the bruise and winces. Then memory floods back and she reacts in concern. KIRA Odo, what happened? We were under attack... During the following conversation, Odo never takes his eyes off something on the console in front of him. Odo is conflicted here... he's focused on whatever he sees on the console, but Kira is also his friend and he's hoping that she'll understand and support what he's done. ODO The ship was boarded, and you were wounded in the attack. I managed to get us to this shuttlecraft, but I don't know much more than that. The last time I saw the Defiant she was dead in space and surrounded by Jem'Hadar ships. Kira is shocked at this news and tries to take it all in. KIRA Sisko? Bashir? ODO I don't know. Kira takes another beat and lets that sink in. KIRA Where are we? ODO Approaching the Omarion Nebula. Kira gives him a sharp look. KIRA You should have taken us back to the wormhole. ODO You didn't object at the time.