DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/14/94 - ACT FOUR 55. 37 CONTINUED: (5) KIRA Look, I know how much this means to you, but we have a mission to complete. But before he can say anything, the ship is suddenly ROCKED hard. Kira and Odo are staggered and nearly fall. Then the ship is ROCKED again and there is an EXPLOSION out in the corridor which BLOWS THE BULKHEAD IN on top of them. CUT TO: 38 thru OMITTED 39 40 INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE As before. The ship is at Red Alert and is being buffeted and ROCKED during the following dialogue. T'RUL (off console) Direct hit on the Port Nacelle. BASHIR How did they see through the cloaking device? T'RUL They might have analyzed the sensor information from their anti-proton scan and found a way to penetrate the cloak. SISKO (grim) We'll have to save the speculation for later. (to T'Rul) Disengage cloak, raise shields, and prepare to fire on my command. CUT TO: