DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT THREE 48. 32 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (to com) From the way I read this sir, it looks like eighty percent of the outgoing traffic is sent to one location. It's my guess that's either another relay station or a command center. SISKO Do you have the coordinates? DAX (working her tricorder) I'm sending them to you now. Alarms suddenly go off in the outpost, the lights go OUT, and most of the computer monitors go dead. Dax and O'Brien react in dismay. CUT TO: 33 thru OMITTED 34 35 INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE As before. KIRA I've lost contact with them! SISKO (to Kira) Get them out of there! KIRA (working) I can't. Some kind of shield just appeared around the outpost. I can't get through it.