DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT TWO 35B. 25C CONTINUED: T'Rul doesn't answer immediately and Sisko turns to look at her. Barely a flicker of emotion crosses her face, betraying the slightest hesitancy. T'RUL I'm... not sure. The tension on the Bridge rises another notch. KIRA (off console) They're getting closer. O'BRIEN Commander... the Defiant's power signature is unusually high for a ship this size... the cloaking device might not be masking everything. Sisko thinks quickly, sees what O'Brien is saying. SISKO (to T'Rul) Cut main power. T'Rul works and almost all the consoles on the Bridge go DARK, with only one or two panels still functioning. On the Viewscreen, a Jem'Hadar ship passes VERY CLOSE overhead, like a shark in the water... suddenly the ship STOPS, nearly on top of them. KIRA (urgent, off console) The other one has broken off its search... it's coming this way. SISKO (calm) Stand by weapons and shields. A long tense moment as they watch the screen. After a beat, the other Jem'Hadar ship moves into view... it joins up with the first ship... 25D EXT. SPACE - JEM'HADAR SHIPS (OPTICAL) The two ships are now back in their standard formation and they head off back the way they came.