DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT TWO 35. 25 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (off console) Here they come... they'll pass us in five seconds... SISKO On screen. 25A INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) As our people watch, the two Jem'Hadar ships come racing past the Defiant. SISKO Track them. O'BRIEN They're continuing along their original heading... no indication that they saw us or... (reacts to something) Wait a minute. They're altering course... heading back this way. DAX They must've seen us. KIRA (off console) They're powering their weapon systems. SISKO Prepare to decloak. Lock phasers on the lead ship and-- T'RUL (urgent) No. We may not have been detected. SISKO Explain. T'RUL A cloaked ship radiates a slight subspace variance at warp speeds... O'BRIEN A subspace variance? I've never heard of that.