DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/08/94 - ACT ONE 22. 11 CONTINUED: ODO I'm no diplomat. KIRA I know, that's why they want you to go. If we do locate the Founders, we'll need more than diplomacy... we'll need to size them up... see what kind of threat they pose to Bajor... analyze their -- ODO You're the military expert, Major, not me. And I doubt that the Provisional Government contacted you and asked for my presence on this mission. (beat) If I'm not mistaken this is a misguided effort to... make me feel better. Kira drops any pretense she might have had and deals with him directly. KIRA Maybe it is. Maybe I'm your friend... and maybe I want you to see that you're still needed here regardless of what some idiot Starfleet admiral might think. Odo says nothing and turns to look out the window again. Kira waits for a long beat.