DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT ONE 17. 9 CONTINUED: (2) ODO You never beat me. Odo isn't in the mood for the usual banter and he simply grunts at Quark, then turns on his heel and strides off. Quark looks after him for a moment, a slight look of sadness on his face. QUARK If you say so... CUT TO: 10 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS JAKE is eating a heaping bowl of I'danian spice pudding at the table and thoroughly enjoying himself. There are several open suitcases in the room, some with clothes and personal belongings still in them, others have been emptied, but the contents not put away. There is also a large shipping crate sitting on the floor. The door OPENS and Sisko ENTERS. He looks around in a little surprise. SISKO I thought you were unpacking. JAKE (sheepish) I am... I mean, I was. But I just kept looking at the replicator... and thinking... and... SISKO (with a smile) And you just had to have some I'danian spice pudding. JAKE I still can't believe I couldn't get a decent bowl of it back on Earth. SISKO (with humor) That didn't stop you from ordering it at every replicator you saw. Jake takes another heaping spoonful as Sisko begins unpacking some of his own clothes from one of the suitcases.