177:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT ONE 14. 7A CONTINUED: (2) Sisko can't deny that what Odo's saying is true. Odo heads down the Corridor again, but Sisko won't let it go at that. He follows and tries to make a personal connection. SISKO I'm sorry, Odo. This wasn't my idea. ODO I'm sure it wasn't. You're just... following orders. SISKO An order I strongly disagreed with. I did everything I could to fight this... I even took it to the Chief of Starfleet Security herself. But their decision... was final. Odo's eyes smolder in anger and he stops and turns on Sisko. ODO May I ask why? SISKO They had some... concerns regarding several recent security breaches. ODO If I was given the authority I asked for, instead of being tied to Starfleet regulations, there wouldn't have been any security breaches. SISKO Odo, your resistance to following Starfleet regulations is part of the problem. ODO I think there might be a simpler explanation, Commander. Starfleet decided to bring in someone they could trust... someone besides "the shape-shifter."