19:[1,#b],175:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/11/94 - ACT ONE 13. 7 CONTINUED: (5) ODO Odo... Head of station security. (beat) May I ask what your... function is here, Commander? Eddington reacts with a slight look of surprise and he looks to Sisko, who clearly has not been looking forward to this. Odo picks up on the look between the two men and his displeasure deepens. SISKO (to all) There'll be a complete mission briefing at eighteen hundred hours, but be prepared to depart the station at oh-seven-hundred tomorrow morning. Dismissed. Odo makes no move to leave as the others all EXIT. Sisko waits until they're gone and then turns to Odo, who is waiting for him. ODO You needn't brace yourself to give me unpleasant news, Commander, I'll save you the trouble: I've been relieved as Chief of Security. Odo turns on his heel and stalks out of the room. Sisko goes after him. 7A INT. CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Sisko catches up with Odo just outside the Wardroom. SISKO Odo, wait. You have not been relieved. You're still in charge of all non-Starfleet security matters aboard this station. ODO What about matters that are Starfleet? SISKO In those areas, you'll coordinate your efforts with Commander Eddington.