11:[5,#b],18:[1,#b],21:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "THE SEARCH" - REV. 07/08/94 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Search" TEASER FADE IN: Recap of "The Jem'Hadar" 1 thru OMITTED 2 3 INT. OPS KIRA, O'BRIEN, DAX, BASHIR, and ODO are gathered around the Ops table. Everyone is watching Kira as she reads a PADD. The mood is grim. Kira finally puts her PADD down with a somber expression... she looks around at the other officers for a beat. When she speaks, it is without rancor or recrimination... she is simply stating her position with quiet determination. KIRA We're in trouble, people. The others exchange weary looks... they've clearly been at this for a long time. KIRA (continuing) We've run seven simulations, and they've all come up the same: the Jem'Hadar overwhelm our defenses and board the station within two hours. BASHIR Two hours doesn't even give us time to get reinforcements from Bajor. DAX There must be something we've overlooked. They all look at each other, hoping that someone else will come up with a brilliant plan, but finally O'Brien speaks for them all.