DEEP SPACE: "The Jem'Hadar" - REV. 04/22/94 - ACT FIVE 57. SISKO You're one of the Founders, aren't you? ERIS You think the Founders would waste their time with you? SISKO Constable... Odo steps forward. ODO (to Eris) Madam, if you'll come with us... Eris takes one step backward from Odo and the Security guards. She keeps her eyes focused on Sisko. ERIS (to Sisko) You have no idea what's begun here. And with that... 98 ERIS (OPTICAL) Hits a concealed Transporter device and DEMATERIALIZES just like the Jem'Hadar did. 99 NEW ANGLE As everyone reacts to Eris's disappearance by going to their stations.