DEEP SPACE: "The Jem'Hadar" - REV. 04/22/94 - ACT FIVE 52. 78A INT. ODYSSEY - BRIDGE KEOGH (to com) We rotated through the full spectrum (TECH), but none of the frequencies were effective. (a beat) Divert your shield power to weapons. We'll give O'Brien five more minutes, and then we're getting out of here. 79 OMITTED 80 INT. ORINOCO As before. KIRA (to com) Understood. (to Mekong) Dax, let's see if we can take some pressure off the Odyssey. DAX'S COM VOICE We're with you. Bashir puts the runabout into a tight turn. BASHIR Hang on. 81 OMITTED 82 INT. JUNGLE - DAY (OPTICAL) Sisko and Eris are hurrying through the jungle. An exhausted Quark is trying to keep up, but is rapidly falling behind. QUARK (out of breath) Wait... stop... Sisko turns around just as Quark collapses to his knees.