DEEP SPACE: "The Jem'Hadar" - REV. 04/22/94 - ACT FOUR 42. 53 CONTINUED: KEOGH Are you sure that's wise? With the exception of Major Kira and Mister O'Brien, none of you have had much combat experience. BASHIR We fought the Maquis. KEOGH All the Maquis had were a pair of lightly armed shuttlecraft. I expect the Dominion to have sharper teeth. KIRA Then you're going to need all the help you can get. She's got a point. A beat as Keogh thinks it over. KEOGH Mister O'Brien, can you equip your two remaining Runabouts with extra banks of photon torpedos? O'BRIEN I've already started retrofitting their weapons systems. They'll be ready in a few hours. DAX It'll take at least that long to offload all the nonessential personnel from the Odyssey. (off Keogh's look) You were planning on doing that, weren't you? Keogh looks at Dax long and hard. KEOGH Lieutenant, have you ever thought of serving on a starship? DAX I'm happy where I am.