DEEP SPACE: "The Jem'Hadar" - REV. 04/22/94 - ACT FOUR 38. 49 CONTINUED: ERIS Even if I can break through the security barrier, how do you plan on getting off the planet? SISKO We'll try to find my son. We can use his communicator to signal our ship and transport off the surface. ERIS And then what? SISKO You're welcome to come back to the station with us. I'm sure Starfleet would like to hear anything you can tell them about the Dominion. ERIS I'd be glad to tell them all I know. Sisko looks up at Eris and smiles his thanks. She nods. A deal's been struck. Sisko resumes examining the lock. He's not getting anywhere with the stickpin. SISKO (to Quark) Quark, maybe you'd better take a look at this. QUARK (angry) Sure, "Quark, be quiet." "Quark, stand watch." "Quark, pick a lock." All you ever do is order me around. (moves toward Sisko) You know, Commander, I think I've figured out why humans don't like Ferengis. SISKO Not now, Quark. Sisko offers Quark the stickpin, but Quark wants to speak his mind.