12:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Jem'Hadar" - REV. 04/22/94 - ACT THREE 27. ACT THREE FADE IN: 34 INT. CAVERN CONTAINMENT AREA Quark stands near the rim of the holding area, calling to an unseen Jem'Hadar guard. His voice has slipped into a sort of singsong monotone. He's been talking for hours, he's hoarse, but he's not ready to give up. QUARK Hello... I know someone must be listening to me out there. 35 INCLUDE SISKO AND ERIS Who are seated away from Quark. Sisko's still working at removing the collar casing. ERIS (SMILING) If we escape, do we QUARK have to take him with us? (continuing, overlapping, SISKO wheedling) He's not so bad. Whoever's in charge, you're missing a very lucrative ERIS opportunity. Doesn't he realize he's not accomplishing anything? Sisko does not seemed all that annoyed by Quark's behavior. SISKO QUARK Don't be so sure. We need (continuing) to find out what the Did I mention I happen to Jem'Hadar plan to do with be a close personal friend us. Which means we need of the Grand Nagus. He's to get their attention. a very powerful person. And If there's one thing Whatever you want for I know... releasing me, he can get. Just name your price. TALAK'TALAN (O.S.) That's enough. Quark stops talking. Sisko pockets the broach.