117:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Jem'Hadar" - REV. 04/22/94 - ACT ONE 17. 20 CONTINUED: QUARK One minute I'm trying to pick out a couple of insects from the jumblewhatsit pot... and next thing I know... whoosh... SISKO Calm down, Quark. Quark sneezes all over Sisko. SISKO (annoyed) Look, do us all a favor... sit down... and try to stay out of trouble. QUARK (sneezes again) What did I do? An embarrassed Nog turns around and rushes off into the trees. JAKE (embarrassed for his friend) I'd better see if he's okay. Jake follows Nog into the darkness, leaving... 21 SISKO AND QUARK Alone in the camp. QUARK (to Sisko, accusatory) Now see what you've done. SISKO What I've done? QUARK The boy couldn't stand to see his favorite Uncle insulted. (a beat) I guess Rom was right after all... You don't like Ferengis, do you?