122:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Jem'Hadar" - REV. 04/22/94 - ACT ONE 16. 18 CONTINUED: JAKE (nods) I don't think I remember you, me, and mom ever having more fun together. SISKO Isn't that where I taught you how to water ski? JAKE (smiling) Mom taught me how to water ski. SISKO She was always the graceful one. (a beat) You know, Jake... we really need to get away more often. JAKE I'm ready whenever you are. (ribbing him) And I'm sure Nog is too. (off Sisko's look) I'm joking. Sisko smiles and just as we hear an offscreen howl of panic from... 19 QUARK Who is hoping up and down waving his right arm. The sleeve of his loud vacation shirt is on fire. QUARK I'm on fire... I'm on fire... 20 NEW ANGLE Sisko reacts immediately, grabbing a blanket and smothering the flames. SISKO Are you all right? QUARK No, I'm not all right. My ears itch, my nose is running, I'm eating foreign bugs... and now look at me. Quark waves his burnt sleeve in Sisko's face.