DEEP SPACE: "The Jem'Hadar" - REV. 04/22/94 - ACT ONE 13. 15 CONTINUED: QUARK Ahh... That's more like it. (a beat) Now if it only wasn't so hot. SISKO I hadn't noticed. QUARK I don't think it's the heat so much as the humidity. And the insects. (shooing off the bugs) And the stench of these flowers. (a beat) I'm glad that we can talk like this. There's nothing like facing the wilderness to bring people closer. SISKO The answer is still "no," Quark. QUARK No? No to what? SISKO I'm not going to let you sell merchandise over the station's monitors. QUARK (defiant) Why not? It's a brilliant idea. (really selling it) There's only room for so many stores on the Promenade. With my connections, I could offer a whole range of merchandise that normally couldn't be acquired in this sector... SISKO Such as? QUARK Collectibles... Andorian jewelry... Vulcan Idic Pins... Bolian crystalsteel, and with my low overhead, I could offer these items at a significant discount. Quark starts to scratch his nose.