DEEP SPACE: "The Jem'Hadar" - REV. 04/22/94 - TEASER 4A. 3 CONTINUED: Dax and Kira stand up. Neither one wants to sit on the sidelines during a family discussion. KIRA (smiling, to Sisko, re: PADD) I think we can finish this later. She and Dax EXIT. SISKO (to Jake) Partner? JAKE We asked Mrs. O'Brien and she said it would be okay, so I invited Nog to come with us to the Gamma Quadrant. SISKO Now hold on a second, Jake... JAKE Dad, if Nog doesn't get a good grade on this science project, he's going to drop out of school. And I can't let that happen. SISKO Maybe he can help you analyze the survey information when we get back. JAKE That's not enough. Mrs. O'Brien said he'd have to be an equal partner. (a beat) Come on, Dad... he's my friend. I have to help him. 4 CLOSE ON SISKO He can't say no, but this isn't going to be the trip he was hoping for.