DEEP SPACE: "Tribunal" - REV. 04/11/94 - ACT FIVE 53. 56 CONTINUED: (3) MAKBAR Tell me, Mister O'Brien, now that we are at peace, do you have a warm place in your heart for your Cardassian neighbors? O'Brien glances at Odo... Makbar is glancing at a PADD... MAKBAR Or are you deeply prejudiced against Cardassians... do you not in fact hate Cardassians... have you not on several occasions publicly stated your opposition to the treaty because and I quote "the bloody Cardies can't be trusted?" O'BRIEN (beat) I decline to answer. MAKBAR There are no grounds in Cardassian law which allow you to decline. Answer the question. Is it an accurate quote or not? O'BRIEN (beat) It is. KOVAT Madame Archon, at this time, it seems the offender's guilt has been clearly established and I see no other alternative but to concede to the verdict... O'BRIEN I do not concede. MAKBAR You may stand down, Mister O'Brien. He does not leave...