DEEP SPACE: "Tribunal" - REV. 04/11/94 - ACT FIVE 50. 55 CONTINUED: MAKBAR (hits her rock) Court will resume. A guard motions Keiko back to the defense area... MAKBAR The offender will step forward to testify. O'BRIEN I have nothing to say to this court. MAKBAR Under Cardassian law, you are compelled to testify. Step forward. As the guard moves to escort him, O'Brien shrugs his arm away and moves ahead alone... 56 ANGLE WITH KOVAT AND ODO The Cardassian lawyer leans in... sotto: KOVAT This would be a good time for you to advise the offender. ODO Advise him to do what? KOVAT To confess and throw himself on the mercy of the court, of course. ODO I've never heard of a Cardassian court showing mercy. KOVAT That's not the point. Think of the children, sir. Allow them to see a glimmer of enlightenment as the offender realizes the end is near. Let him use his last breath to show remorse...