DEEP SPACE: "Tribunal" - REV. 03/31/94 - ACT THREE 29-29A. 37 CONTINUED: KIRA Neither do I... but there's more... according to the logs, O'Brien was in here just minutes before his runabout left... Reactions. DAX Computer, play security log entry, Stardate 47944.2, weapons locker... O'BRIEN'S VOICE Request access. Weapons Locker Four. Miles O'Brien, security level one. DAX The computer confirmed his voice- print I.D. and let him in... KIRA And the minute the door opened, some kind of field saturation device was activated that froze all the security scanners in the room... SISKO (frowns) I want a full analysis of that voice- print. Make absolutely sure it was O'Brien... BASHIR It doesn't make sense. What would he do with photon warheads... ? KIRA (speculating) Give them to... the Maquis? (off reactions, to Sisko) We had an advisory two weeks ago that a Maquis ship disabled a Bolian freighter near the Demilitarized Zone and stole a supply of photon launchers.