DEEP SPACE: "Tribunal" - REV. 03/31/94 - ACT ONE 12. 11 CONTINUED: GUL EVEK (to the officers) Search the ship. The two officers EXIT into the cargo area of the ship. O'Brien moves forward. O'BRIEN What are the charges? GUL EVEK (ignoring him) You have the right to refuse to answer questions, but such refusal might be construed as a sign of guilt... O'BRIEN I demand to know what I'm being accused of! GUL EVEK You deny all knowledge of this crime then... O'BRIEN How the hell am I supposed to deny something when I don't even know what you're talking about... GUL EVEK So you do not deny all knowledge... KEIKO We are Federation citizens and we have rights... GUL EVEK Yes... yes... all your "rights" as defined by the Cardassian Articles of Jurisprudence will be protected. O'BRIEN I want to speak with my Commander. The two Cardassian officers return and look at Gul Evek, nodding to him that they've found what they were looking for. GUL EVEK We will contact your commander. And see that your wife is returned safely to your station.