DEEP SPACE: "Tribunal" - REV. 03/31/94 - ACT ONE 8. 8 CONTINUED: KEIKO (seeing the PADDS) What's this... O'BRIEN Just some new technical update manuals... She sits in the other chair... KEIKO Our first vacation without Molly in five years and you brought technical update manuals? O'Brien doesn't get the message, takes the conversation in a different direction... O'BRIEN You know, maybe we should've brought her... you really think she's gonna be all right with the Petersons? KEIKO Molly likes the Petersons more than she likes us. She's fine. O'BRIEN We could swing back, pick up the holo-cam and Molly and barely lose a half day... Off Keiko's stare... O'BRIEN (continuing, regrouping) ...Or... I'm sure we can pick up a holo-cam when we get there... Keiko sighs, tension on her face, leans back... KEIKO How many? O'BRIEN What? KEIKO Tech manuals did you bring? O'BRIEN Not many.