DEEP SPACE: "Tribunal" - 03/29/94 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Oh... right... Thanks. I already feel relaxed... And he goes into the Turbolift and it goes down. Sisko ENTERS from his office. SISKO Is he gone? KIRA Finally. SISKO Good. He's been driving me crazy all day. You'd think I was... The Turbolift rises just enough to see O'Brien's head... O'BRIEN Ah... Commander... I forgot to tell you. I added a new subroutine to the environmental control for the Habitat Ring... SISKO Chief O'Brien... O'BRIEN Yes, sir? SISKO (mock stern) You're on leave. Please disembark this station. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. The lift descends. Kira and Sisko react, and we... CUT TO: