DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - 03/21/94 - ACT ONE 5. 15 CONTINUED: KIRA You know you can't do that. BAREIL Why not? KIRA (with affection) Because in two days, you're going to be elected Kai. BAREIL (joking) Oh, that. You know there's no guarantee that I'm going to win. KIRA Of course you're going to win. The people need you. BAREIL Are you going to vote for me? KIRA Is that why you spent the past three days here? To get my vote? BAREIL Well, I know you don't agree with many of my views. So I thought a personal appearance might sway your opinion. KIRA (sheepish) I was going to vote for Vedek Tolena... He gives her a lingering kiss. KIRA (continues) But I suppose I might be persuaded to change my mind. BAREIL Good. (from the heart) Because your vote is the only one that matters to me.