DEEP SPACE: "Crossover" - 03/08/94 - ACT FIVE 50. 59 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Just tell me one thing. Is there any room over there... on your side... for one more? BASHIR You want us to take you with us? O'BRIEN I got no reason to stay. Bashir struggles with the concept... BASHIR My people would have a big problem with that. (beat) The hell with them. Let's go. O'Brien almost smiles and leads a new way... 60 INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR As they come out of a panel... O'Brien leads the way around a corner... 61 NEW ANGLE as they turn one last corner, Worf steps in their path... and suddenly they're surrounded by Klingons, weapons trained... on O'Brien and Bashir's reaction... 62 INT. QUARK'S (OPTICAL) Worf and the Klingons return, escorting Bashir and O'Brien... the crowd turns and quiets down as they bring the two of them before Kira II... WORF (to Kira II) The new Terran killed the shape-shifter and O'Brien tried to help him escape. Kira II reacts... angry at herself for allowing Bashir to live in the first place... turns to Kira -- KIRA II This is my fault for listening to you... for keeping him alive in the first place...