DEEP SPACE: "Crossover" - 03/08/94 - ACT FIVE 48. 54 CONTINUED: KIRA (reacts) Help us. SISKO There's nobody around here foolish enough to help now, Lady. KIRA II Nerys! Kira looks over at her counterpart. KIRA II (laughing) Leave him alone. He belongs to me. Kira moves away, considers bolting for the door, but Garak has positioned himself in her way... she has no choice but to remain... 55 OMITTED 56 INT. CORRIDOR Bashir moves down it... hears voices of Klingons coming... TELOK (O.S.) Establish security fields on the levels above and below... station guards at all turbolifts... Bashir looks back, footsteps coming that way too, then quickly opens a panel and slides in... closing it behind him... a moment later, Worf and the Klingons pass... 57 INT. JEFFRIES TUBE Bashir looking around, confused, not knowing his way around the bowels of the station... he begins to crawl... 58 INT. JEFFRIES JUNCTION As Bashir scrambles in... he stops dead in his tracks and sees --