DEEP SPACE: "Crossover" - 03/08/94 - ACT FOUR 41. 26 CONTINUED: BASHIR I've been told Quark has helped some Terrans escape... KIRA We're a little late for Quark. Stay alert. If our chance comes, there won't be much warning... He acknowledges. She EXITS. Bashir exchanges a glance with Odo, who rather than glaring this time... simply grins with a personal secret... as Bashir reacts, goes back to work... 27 INT. PROMENADE Sisko is at the Replimat, hands on his belly, snoozing after eating a sumptuous meal... snoring lightly... Kira sits down with him... KIRA (sotto) Sisko. He opens one eye... SISKO Tell her I'm busy. ... and closes it. KIRA I have something important to tell you. SISKO (eyes closed) I'm listening. KIRA It's... valuable information and I want something in exchange. He opens his eyes... SISKO You've gone into business for yourself, have you... ? KIRA All I want is to get off this station... I want my runabout back...