DEEP SPACE: "Crossover" - 03/08/94 - ACT THREE 36. 22 CONTINUED: (3) KIRA II If you can't love me, who can? (beat) Don't be in such a hurry to go. I'm glad you're here. There's so much we can learn from one another. KLINGON'S COM VOICE Intendant, Garak is here with the prisoner. KIRA II Send him in. The door opens and Garak and Telok escort a weak, beaten Quark inside. GARAK He's made a complete confession and implicated two others who have been arrested. Kira II moves closer to Quark... looks him in the eye... he is very, very shaky... desperate to escape with his life... KIRA II Quark, I've always liked you, you know that. QUARK I have nothing but respect for you, Intendant. I am so sorry. KIRA II You did it because you felt sorry for these Terrans... you hate to see them suffer just as I do. QUARK Yes, Intendant. KIRA II But where would we be without them... who would perform the labor for the Alliance?