141:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Crossover" - 03/08/94 - ACT TWO 29. 19 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR I hope that'll be enough... O'BRIEN Enough for what? BASHIR We think a transporter may be the way to get back to our side... O'Brien looks at him... O'BRIEN What. You been filling me up with this stuff just to get me to help you, is that it... ? BASHIR No, everything I told you is the truth... O'BRIEN (overlapping) Look, I don't know you. I'm not your friend... Moving away, loudly repeating -- O'BRIEN I'm not your friend. Odo returns in time to hear this and see O'Brien separate himself from Bashir. ODO Meal break is over. The men go back to work... ODO (continuing, to O'Brien) You're wanted in the bar. O'BRIEN If I don't finish down here... ODO You're wanted in the bar by Mister Sisko. O'Brien sighs, shakes his head, EXITS.