DEEP SPACE: "Crossover" - 03/08/94 - ACT TWO 27. 18 CONTINUED: (2) Kira, who has been pushed well off to the side and away from the bar during the altercation, reacts. Sisko doesn't see her. The mercenaries move to the bar... SISKO Bartender! GARAK We just arrested him. Garak EXITS... SISKO (to barflies) Arrested. What a damned shame. With a swashbuckling kick, he jumps over the bar to take the place of the bartender. Smiles. SISKO Who wants a drink on the house? The patrons surge forward to the bar. Kira reacts. 19 INT. ORE PROCESSING Odo is not there. There's a break in the work and the workers are eating with their hands off of metal plates... Bashir moves furtively over to O'Brien... BASHIR Miles O'Brien. O'Brien glances at him, then back at his food. BASHIR I know you... on my side. O'BRIEN (hardly interested) Yeah? BASHIR We're best friends actually. O'BRIEN You and me? BASHIR That's right.