DEEP SPACE: "Crossover" - 03/08/94 - ACT TWO 24. 17 CONTINUED: He fixes a drink as he speaks. QUARK So, are we close friends on your side? KIRA (beat) Yeah. As a matter of fact we are. On my side, Quark does me a lot of favors... QUARK Favors? KIRA (testing the waters, careful) The Quark I know... well, he just seems to have the ability to get things done... when no one else can. Know what I mean? She smiles, almost laughs... KIRA (continuing) Sometimes he can even get things done behind the backs of the security people... Quark glances at the Klingon guard behind her... QUARK What kind of favors do you ask him for... KIRA Oh, all sorts of favors... getting me things I need... QUARK Such as... ? KIRA Well, for instance, a transporter... for a few hours... Quark has played this game long enough... he moves around the bar to put his back to the security man... QUARK Didn't I hear somewhere that a transporter was involved in the first crossover?