DEEP SPACE: "Crossover" - 03/08/94 - ACT TWO 23. 17 INT. QUARK'S Kira ENTERS followed a beat later by her Klingon guard... a very quiet day in the bar -- about ten people are there... seven Bajorans, two Cardassians and one Human dabo girl. Several look up and notice her... obviously the word is out about her origins... QUARK focuses on her as she moves down the bar... moves to meet her at the bar... QUARK You certainly are the splitting image of the Intendant... just as they said... KIRA Hello, Quark. QUARK (reacts) You know my name. KIRA You run the bar on my side too. QUARK Really. I hope I'm doing decent business. Got to be better than here. The Alliance taxes are killing me. What can I get you... (getting an idea) The Intendant likes a hot jumja tea this time of day. KIRA Well, I'm not her. (pause) But that does sound good. QUARK Coming up.