10:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Crossover" - 03/08/94 - ACT TWO 20. ACT TWO FADE IN: 15 INT. ORE PROCESSING As before. O'Brien is not there. Bashir is quite dirty now as the work continues... Odo checks over an inventory on a PADD. Bashir is exhausted, turns to the worker next to him... BASHIR Do they ever feed you in this universe? The worker glances at him and moves away from him... Bashir sighs, continues to work, looks up to see Kira ENTER... behind her several paces a Klingon guard follows, keeping an eye on her... she signals with her eyes to Bashir not to do anything yet... she looks around, dismayed by the environment... Odo moves over to greet her... ODO The Intendant informed me that you'd be inspecting the facilities... if there is anything I can explain... KIRA No, I've worked in ore processing myself... Odo does a take, then decides she must be joking -- Bajorans don't work in ore processing -- he tries to laugh; it doesn't quite work... KIRA Is my Terran friend behaving himself? ODO They all behave themselves when I'm in charge. KIRA Good. Good. Do you mind if I speak with him.