DEEP SPACE: "The Wire" - 03/01/94 - ACT FIVE 55. 70 CONTINUED: (5) Bashir steps back to the spot where he beamed in, but something else is clearly on his mind and in the end, he can't contain his curiosity. BASHIR (continuing) One last thing... TAIN Make it brief. BASHIR Garak mentioned an old friend of his the other day... a member of the Obsidian Order. I was wondering what happened to him. TAIN Did he give you his friend's name? BASHIR He said it was Elim. Tain laughs. BASHIR (continuing) Mind letting me in on the joke? TAIN I see Garak hasn't changed a bit. Never tells the truth when a lie will do. The man has a rare gift for obfuscation. (chiding) Doctor... Elim is Garak's first name. 71 ANGLE ON BASHIR (OPTICAL) As he digests this latest revelation. TAIN Now run along home. (smiles) And please, tell Garak that I miss him.