DEEP SPACE: "The Wire" - 03/01/94 - ACT FOUR 46. 63 CONTINUED: GARAK The truth. BASHIR (can't help but smile) I've about given up on learning the truth from you, Garak. GARAK Don't give up now, Doctor. Patience has its rewards. Now listen carefully. Garak pauses to marshal his dwindling strength. GARAK (continuing) Elim wasn't my aide. He was... my friend. We grew up together... We were closer than brothers. For some reason, Enabran Tain took a liking to us... Before long, Elim and I were both powerful men in the Obsidian Order... They called us the "Sons of Tain." Even the Guls feared us. And then... (tries to summon the energy to continue) There was a scandal. Someone in the order was accused of letting some Bajoran prisoners escape. There were constant rumors of who was going to be implicated... fingers were being pointed at me... Garak is both physically and mentally drained and these memories are the most painful of all. GARAK (continuing) By then Tain had retired to the Arawath Colony. He couldn't protect me. So I panicked. I did everything in my power to make sure Elim would be blamed instead of me. I planted evidence... altered records... only to discover that he'd beaten me to it. BASHIR He betrayed you first? Garak musters a nod.