DEEP SPACE: "The Wire" - 03/01/94 - ACT FOUR 44. 60 CONTINUED: BASHIR (continuing, shakes his head) Bring up... (spots something) Sample Twenty-Three. That's still not it. Bashir starts running down a list of likely candidates, rejecting each one in turn as they come up on screen. BASHIR (continuing) Sample twenty-seven... sample thirty- two... sample thirty-five... sample forty... (pauses) Stop. Bring back sample thirty-five. 61 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As the computer displays the requested sample (an image of a leukocyte on a molecular level). BASHIR (continuing) Superimpose the molecular structure of this leukocyte with an analogous sample from yesterday. The computer layers another graphic over the first. There is a slight, but definite difference in the two samples. 62 CLOSE ON BASHIR As he reacts to the visual. BASHIR (continuing) That's it. (to Jabara) The molecular structure of Garak's leukocytes has been altered. That must be what's causing the accumulation of toxins in his system.