DEEP SPACE: "The Wire" - 03/01/94 - ACT FOUR 35. 37 CONTINUED: COMPUTER VOICE Affirmative. While Bashir is trying to decide what to do next, the door CHIMES. BASHIR Yes? 38 ANGLE ON THE DOOR Odo ENTERS. ODO Doctor, I was hoping to ask Garak some questions. Bashir intercepts Odo by the door. BASHIR (glances at Garak) He's asleep. He has been ever since I turned off his implant. (a beat) Come on. We can talk outside. Bashir steers Odo out the door and into... 39 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Bashir and Odo emerge into the Corridor. ODO Doctor, I need to talk to him as soon as possible. I have four homicide cases left in my files that I'm almost certain were committed by the Obsidian Order. If Garak was a member... he may be able to shed some light on them. BASHIR I'm afraid your questions will have to wait. ODO (not happy) How long? BASHIR I don't know yet.