DEEP SPACE: "The Wire" - 03/01/94 - ACT THREE 30. 30 CONTINUED: (2) GARAK (nods, almost ashamed) I created a device which allowed me to trigger the implant whenever I wanted. At first, I only used it a few minutes a day. But I began relying on it more and more... Until finally, I just turned it on and never shut it off again. BASHIR How long's it been on? GARAK (defiant) Two years. BASHIR (putting the pieces together) And now the implant is breaking down... GARAK That's correct. BASHIR Then why not just shut the damn thing off? Garak pauses for a long beat here. GARAK (still in pain) It's too late, now. My body's become dependent on the higher endorphin levels generated by the implant. 31 NEW ANGLE As Bashir reacts to Garak's statement. BASHIR That's it then? You're going to just give up and let them win. GARAK "Them," Doctor?