DEEP SPACE: "The Wire" - 03/01/94 - ACT THREE 28. 29 CONTINUED: GARAK My dear Doctor, I have no intention of putting myself on display, for the amusement of the Bajoran inhabitants of this station. BASHIR It's not your pride I'm worried about. It's that implant you're carrying around inside your head. GARAK (surprised) You know about that, do you? BASHIR It's some kind of punishment device, isn't it? GARAK Punishment device? Garak tries to laugh, but what comes out is a choking hollow sound laced with pain. GARAK I suppose in a way that's what it's become. BASHIR If it wasn't put there to punish you, then what's it for? 30 CLOSE ON GARAK Who refuses to answer. Bashir keeps pressing, despite Garak's obvious pain. BASHIR Garak, I have to know what we're up against. If you tell me what it was meant for, maybe I can figure out a way to remove it. GARAK (struggling against the pain) It's hopeless, Doctor. Believe me, it can't be removed.